Friday, December 17, 2010

Death of Delicious

It's death was confirmed by Yahoo. I was surprised to find this out today. In fact, I thought that it was just a joke until I see the official news.

Delicious has always been a great tool for me, who don't really care much about syncing, since I just want to access these bookmarks whenever I needed then. Heck,  I don't even bother to sync bookmarks in all the three browsers I'm using.

Taking action to backup my bookmarks now so as not to lose my collections from my intensive surfing habit. The interesting part is perhaps finding out how my surfing patterns changed. Over time, the bookmarks were following similar suit. Nevertheless, I'm still a download freak by the looks of it.

And to think that I was being grateful to this tool when reformatting my laptop. Guess online storage are not that reliable after all, it's best to always have a backup. Always. 

To be honest, I was disappointed that it will be gone soon. What if it has more users...will it survive? I know I'm comparing apples and oranges but I really think that delicious is way much useful than facebook. Now imagine this, what if Facebook is announced to be shut down? Probably Facebook fanatics everywhere would be calling for petitions and some companies would be willing to take it over, but I'm digressing....

Fellow delicious users are probably flocking to Diggo right now. I know because I'm one of them.